Areas of Research Interests

My research interests lie in the intersection of software engineering and artificial intelligence in general.  I am especially interested in building software-intensive systems in socio-technical environments that address the challenges of knowledge-intensive computing, with well-understood and applied problem solving principles from multi-disciplines (such as theoretical computer science, cognitive science, psychology, philosophy etc.). My research builds on ideas and techniques from requirements engineering, domain modeling, ontological engineering, decision theory, knowledge acquisition, machine learning, and self-adaptive learning agent systems. I validate my research by building practical systems, by constructing formal models of software within the problems domain and analytical models of cost-benefit analysis for users, and by performing user case studies based on the case study methodology designed research.  

My most recent research domain applications include:


Projects (summaries can be found here)


Current Research, Education, Collaboration Support (Since Fall 2003 - Summer 2010 at the UNC Charlotte)


Selected Publications  PDFs are also available from the NiSE Publications

Books, Refereed Book Chapters, Edited Proceedings  (*student co-authors)

  1. Seok-Won Lee, Mattia Monga and Jan Jurjens (Editors), Proceedings of the Seventh International Workshop on Software Engineering for Secure Systems, IEEE Press. May 2011. (In conjunction with the ICSE 11) 
  2. Seok-Won Lee, Mattia Monga and Jan Jurjens (Editors), Proceedings of the Sixth International Workshop on Software Engineering for Secure Systems, IEEE Press. May 2010. (In conjunction with the ICSE 10) 
  3. Bart De Win, Seok-Won Lee, and Mattia Monga, (Editors) Proceedings of the Fifth  International Workshop on Software Engineering for Secure Systems (SESS '09), IEEE Press. May 2009.  (In conjunction with the ICSE 09)
  4. *Robin Gandhi and Seok-Won Lee, “Ontology-guided Risk Analysis: From Informal Specifications to Formal Metrics,” A book chapter accepted to “Advances in Information and Intelligent Systems” by Springer Studies in Computational Intelligence (Editors: Zbyszek Ras & Bill Ribarsky), Springer. Summer 2009. 
  5. William J. Tolone, Seok-Won Lee, Wei-Ning Xiang, *Joshua Blackwell, *Cody Yeager, *Andrew Schumpert, E. Wray Johnson,  “Critical Infrastructure Analyses: A Methodology for Integrated Modeling and Simulation” A book chapter accepted to “Critical Infrastructure Protection II”, Springer, June 2008. (Post-conference proceedings of the 2nd Annual IFIP Working Group 11.10 International Conference on Critical Infrastructure Protection)
  6. Seok-Won Lee, Robin A. Gandhi and Sooyong Park, “Tracing Requirements”, A book chapter for the Encyclopedia of Software Engineering, Taylor and Francis Group. 2008 (In Press)  
  7. Zhao, W., Zhao, H., Lee, S.W., Yu, Y., Peng, X., Zhang, W. (Editors) Proceedings of the workshop on Domain Specific Analysis and Design for Reuse (DSADR), (in conjunction with the 10th International Conference on Software Reuse (ICSR 2008),  May 25 – 29, 2008, Beijing, China.) (In Press) 
  8. Bart De Win, Seok-Won Lee, and Mattia Monga, (Editors) Proceedings of the Fourth  International Workshop on Software Engineering for Secure Systems (SESS '08), IEEE Press. May 2008.  (In Press) (In conjunction with the ICSE 08)
  9. Danilo Bruschi, Bart De Win, Seok-Won Lee, and Mattia Monga, (Editors) Proceedings of the Third International Workshop on Software Engineering for Secure Systems, IEEE Press. May 2007. 
  10. Seok Won Lee, "Proxy Viewpoints Model-based Requirements Discovery." AAT 3097374, UMI. 2003.
  11. G. Tecuci, M. Boicu, K. Wright, Seok Won Lee, D. Marcu and M. Bowman, “Intelligent Agents: Principles and Design - A Tutoring Based Approach to the Development of Intelligent Agents,” A book chapter in Teodorescu, H.N., Mlynek, D., Kandel, A. and Zimmermann, H.J. (editors). Intelligent Systems and Interfaces (The Kluwer International Series in Intelligent). Kluwer Academic Press. 2000.
  12. G. Tecuci (Co-Authors as Contributing Writers: T. Dybala, M. Hieb, H. Keeling, K. Wright, P. Loustaunau, D. Hille, Seok Won Lee) Building Intelligent Agents: An Apprenticeship Multistrategy Learning Theory, Methodology, Tool and Case Studies. Academic Press, London, England, 1998. 
  13. G. Tecuci and Seok Won Lee, “Selected Bibliography of Machine Learning, Knowledge Acquisition, and Intelligent Agents Research,” In Tecuci, G., Building Intelligent Agents: An Apprenticeship Multistrategy Learning Theory, Methodology, Tool and Case Studies. pp. 294-314, Academic Press, London, England, 1998.

Refereed Journal and Magazine Articles:  (*student co-authors) 

  1. Jaeyong Park, Seok-Won Lee, David Rine “UML Design Pattern Metamodel-level Constraints for the Maintenance of Software Evolution” Fully accepted to the Software: Practice and Experience (SPE), Wiley, January 2011 (submitted), July 2011 (revised), August 11, 2011 (fully accepted), September 2011 (To appear) 
  2. *Robin Gandhi and Seok-Won Lee, “Discovering Multi-dimensional Correlations among Regulatory Requirements to Understand Risk” To appear in the ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology (ACM TOSEM), ACM Press, Fully accepted on August 2009. (Regular Issue, 35 pages, submitted on March 2008), Vol 20. Issue 4, August 2011 
  3. *Aderemi O. Adeniji and Seok-Won Lee, “Assimilating and Optimizing Software Assurance in the SDLC: A Framework and Step-wise Approach”, International Journal of Secure Software Engineering (IJSSE), Special Theme on Software Security Engineering Education, IGI-Global.  (accepted on Sept. 4 2010)  Vol.1, No. 4, pp. 62 – 79, Oct.-Dec. 2010. DOI: 10.4018/jsse.2010100104 
  4. Seok-Won Lee and Mattia Monga, "From the Editor-in-Chief: Special Issue on Software Engineering for Secure Systems", Computers and Security - The Elsevier Journal, Vol. 29, Issue 3, pp. 299-301, May 2010. DOI: 10.1016/j.cose.2010.01.003
  5. *Xiaoyu Wang, *Dong Hyun Jeong, *Wenwen Dou, Seok-Won Lee, William Ribarsky and *Remco Chang, “Defining and Applying Knowledge Conversion Processes to a Visual Analytics System”,  Computers and Graphics: An International Journal of Systems and Applications in Computer Graphics (Special Theme on Knowledge Assisted Visualization), Elsevier Journal, Volume 33, Issue 5, Pages 616-623 (October 2009), Elsevier Journal doi:10.1016/j.cag.2009.06.004
  6. Seok-Won Lee, *Robin Gandhi and *Siddharth Wagle “Ontology-guided Service-oriented Architecture Composition to Support Complex and Evolving Process Definitions” International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering, World Scientific,  Vol. 19, No. 6. pp. 791-821 , September, World Scientific, 2009. 
  7. Seok-Won Lee, Mattia Monga, (Guest Editors) “Guest Editorial: Software Engineering for Secure Systems”, Information and Software Technology – The Elsevier Journal, Volume 51, Issue 7, July 2009. pp. 1150 – 1151.  DOI:10.1016/j.infsof.2008.01.008 
  8. Xin Peng, Seok-Won Lee, Wen-Yun Zhao, “Feature-oriented Nonfunctional Requirements Analysis for Software Product Line”, Journal of Computer Science and Technology, (Theme: Software Engineering for High-Confidence Systems), Springer, 24(2): 319-338, Springer,  March 2009. DOI 10.1007/s11390-009-9227-2 
  9. Zhao, W., Zhao, H., Lee, S.W., Yu, Y., Peng, X., Zhang, W. (Guest Editors), “Guest Editorial: Domain Specific Analysis and Design for Reuse” Journal of Frontiers of Computer Science and Technology, To appear in Fall 2008. 
  10. *McNally, R., Lee, S.W., *Yavagal, D.S. and Xiang, W-N. “Understanding critical infrastructure interdependencies through a critical infrastructure protection planning support system”, To appear in Environment & Planning B: Planning and Design. Pion Ltd. November, 2007. 
  11. Seok-Won Lee, *Robin Gandhi and Gail-Joon Ahn “Certification Process Artifacts Defined as Measurable Units for Software-intensive Systems Lifecycle”, Software Process: Improvement and Practice (SPIP), (Theme: Advances in Measurements for Software Processes Assessment), Volume 12, Issue 2, 2007. Pages 165-189 (March/April) , John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  (Also published online in Wiley InterScience ( ), Dec. 27, 2006, DOI: 10.1002/spip.313)  (Now SPIP became a Journal of Software Maintenance and Evolution: Research and Practice)
  12. Seok-Won Lee and *Robin Gandhi, "Requirements as Enablers for Software Assurance”, CrossTalk: The Journal of Defense Software Engineering, December, Vol. 19, No. 12, pp.20-24, United States Department of Defense. December  2006. 
  13. Seok-Won Lee, *Divya Muthurajan, *Robin Gandhi, *Deepak Yavagal and Gail-Joon Ahn, “Building Decision Support Problem Domain Ontology from Security Requirements to Engineer Software-intensive Systems” International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering (IJSEKE), (Theme: Requirements Engineering Decision Support), Vol. 16, No. 6. pp.851-884, World Scientific, December 2006 
  14. Lee, S.W., *Gandhi, R., Ahn, G. “Establishing Trustworthiness in Services of the Critical Infrastructure through Certification and Accreditation”, ACM Digital Library as a special issue of “ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes”, ACM Press, New York, NY.  Vol. 30, Issue 4, July 2005.   
  15. Seok Won Lee and David C. Rine, “Missing Requirements and Relationship Discovery through Proxy Viewpoints Model,” STUDIA INFORMATICA UNIVERSALIS: International Journal on Informatics, Regular Issue Vol. 3, No. 3, pp. 315-342. ISBN 2-912590-30-2, ISSN 1621-7545. December 2004.
  16. Seok Won Lee, “A Methodological Knowledge Discovery Framework for Constructive Induction-based Multistrategy Learning,” Korean-American Scientists and Engineers Association (KSEA) Letters, Volume 27, No.3, pp. 42-46, March, 1999.

Journal Editorials/ Edited Journals

  1. Seok-Won Lee and Mattia Monga (Guest Editors), “From the Editor-in-Chief: Special Issue on Software Engineering for Secure Systems”, Computers and Security – The Elsevier Journal,  Vol. 29, Issue 3, May 2010. DOI: 10.1016/j.cose.2010.01.003
  2. Seok-Won Lee and Mattia Monga (Guest Editors), “Guest Editorial: Special Section on Software Engineering for Secure Systems”, Information and Software Technology – The Elsevier Journal, Volume 51, Issue 7, July 2009. DOI:10.1016/j.infsof.2008.01.008

Refereed Conferences, Workshops, and Symposiums Articles: (*student co-authors)

  1. *D. Aceituna, Hyunsook Do and Seok-Won Lee “Interactive Requirements Validation for Reactive Systems through Virtual Requirements Prototype” To appear in Proceedings of the Model-driven Requirements Engineering Workshop (MoDRE), in conjunction with RE 2011, Trento, Italy Sep. 2011.
  2. *D. Aceituna, H. Do, G. Walia and S.W. Lee, “Evaluating the Use of Model-based Requirements Verification Method: A Feasibility Study” To appear in Proceedings of the Empirical Requirements Engineering Workshop (EmpiRE), in conjunction with RE 2011, Trento, Italy Sep. 2011.    
  3. Seok-Won Lee “Probabilistic Risk Assessment for Security Requirements” To appear in Proceedings of the 5th IEEE International Conference on Secure Software Integration and Reliability Improvement (SSIRI), June 27-29, Jeju Island, Korea 2011.   
  4. Youngjai Lee, Seok-Won Lee, Yeon-Soo Park and Seon-Hwa Choi, “Developing an Intelligent System for the Analysis of Signs of Disaster” To appear in Proceedings of TIEMS (The International Emergency Management Society) Annual Conference, June 7 – 11, Bucharest, Romania, 2011.   
  5. Seok-Won Lee, Mattia Monga and Jan Jürjens, “Software Engineering for Secure Systems” In Proceedings of the 33rd  International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE 11),  pp.1200-1201, IEEE Press. Hawaii, May 2011.   
  6. *Daniel Aceituna, Hyunsook Do and Seok-Won Lee, “End-User-Centric Requirements Validation”, In Proceedings of the 21st IEEE International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering (ISSRE 2010), Fast Abstract Track, Oct. 1-4, San Jose CA.    
  7. *Daniel Aceituna, Hyunsook Do and Seok-Won Lee “SQ2E: An approach to Requirements Validation with Scenario Question” To appear in Proceedings of the 17th Asia Pacific Software Engineering Conference (APSEC 2010), Nov. 30 – Dec. 3, 2010, Australia, Sydney.  (acceptance ratio 31% ~ 47/151)
  8. Seok-Won Lee, Mattia Monga and Jan Jurjens, "Software Engineering for Secure Systems" In Proceedings of the 32nd International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE 10), Volume 2, pp. 433-434, IEEE Press. Cape Town, South Africa, May 2, 2010.
  9. S. Chen, E. Hauser, K. Dai, W. Liu, B. Ribarsky, S.W. Lee, W. J. Tolone and C. Boyle, "Enhanced Bridge Management via Integrated Remote Sensing" abstract accepted by the Fifth International Conference on Bridge Maintenance, Safety and Management to be held at Philadelphia, PA, July 11-15, 2010.
  10. E. Hauser, W. Liu, S.E. Chen, B. Ribarsky, S.W. Lee and W. J. Tolone, "Integrated LiDAR Applications in Enhanced Bridge Management" accepted by the American Society of Non-destructive Testing (ASNT) Fall Conference, October 19-23, 2009, Columbus, OH.
  11. *John Cooper, Seok-Won Lee, Robin Gandhi and Orlena Gotel, “Requirements Engineering Visualization: A Survey on the State of the Art” To appear in Proceedings of the Fourth International Workshop on Requirements Engineering Visualization (REV ‘09), in conjunction with the 17th International Requirements Engineering Conference (RE ’09), Atlanta, Georgia, August 31 – September 4, 2009. 
  12. Robin Gandhi and Seok-Won Lee, “Assurance Case Driven Case Study Design for Requirements Engineering Research”, To appear in Proceedings of the Requirements Engineering: Foundation for Software Quality, REFSQ 2009, 15th International Working Conference, , Amsterdam, The Netherlands, June 8-9, 2009. LNCS, Springer.
  13. *Xiaoyu Wang, *Wenwen Dou, *Rashna Vatcha, *Wanqiu Liu, Shen-En Chen, Seok-Won Lee, *Remco Chang, and William Ribarsky, “Knowledge Integrated Visual Analysis of Bridge Safety and Maintenance” To appear in Proceedings of the Visual Analytics for Homeland Defense and Security (Conference DS219), Part of program track on Information Systems and Networks: Processing, Fusion, and Knowledge Generation, SPIE Defense, Security and Sensing, 13-17, April, Orlando, Florida, USA. 2009. 
  14. Seok-Won Lee, William J. Tolone, *Ajeet Murty, *Rashna Vatcha, *Xiaoyu Wang, *Wenwen Dou, *Remco Chang, William Ribarsky, *Wanqiu Liu, Shen-en Chen, Edd Hauser, “Towards Sustainable Infrastructure Management: Knowledge-based Service-oriented Computing Framework for Visual Analytics” To appear in Proceedings of the Visual Analytics for Homeland Defense and Security (Conference DS219), Part of program track on Information Systems and Networks: Processing, Fusion, and Knowledge Generation, SPIE Defense, Security and Sensing, 13-17, April, Orlando, Florida, USA. 2009.
  15. Bart De Win, Seok-Won Lee, and Mattia Monga, (Editors), “Software Engineering for Secure Systems” in Proceedings of the Fifth International Workshop on Software Engineering for Secure Systems (SESS 09) in conjunction with ICSE 09, IEEE Press. May 2009.  (In Press)
  16. William J. Tolone, E. Wray Johnson, Seok-Won Lee, Wei-Ning Xiang, Lydia Marsh, Cody Yeager, and Josh Blackwell, “Enabling System of Systems Analysis of Critical Infrastructure Behaviors” To appear in Proceedings of the Third International Workshop on Critical Infrastructures Security (CRITIS 08), October 13-15, 2008, Frascati (Rome), Italy
  17. Joshau Blackwell, , Seok-Won Lee, William J. Tolone, Wei-Ning Xiang, Lydia Marsh, “An Ontology-based Approach to Blind Spot Revelation in Critical Infrastructure Protection, Practice and Planning” To appear in Proceedings of the Third International Workshop on Critical Infrastructures Security (CRITIS 08), Posters section, October 13-15, 2008, Frascati (Rome), Italy 
  18. Bart De Win, Seok-Won Lee, and Mattia Monga, “Software Engineering for Secure Systems” In Proceedings of the 30th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE 08),  Companion Volume, pp. 1069-1070, IEEE Press. Leipzig, Germany, May 10-18, 2008. 
  19. *Cody Yeager, William J. Tolone, Seok-Won Lee, Wei-Ning Xiang, “When should an intervention be imposed in critical infrastructure disruption?”, (Abstract) In Proceedings of the AAG (Association of American Geographers Annual Meeting), April 15-19, Boston, MA. 
  20. *Josh Blackwell, Seok-Won Lee, William J. Tolone, and Wei-Ning Xiang, “On Blind Spots in Critical Infrastructure Protection Practice”, (Abstract) In Proceedings of the AAG (Association of American Geographers Annual Meeting), April 15-19, Boston, MA. 
  21. *Robin Gandhi and Seok-Won Lee, “Visual Analytics for Requirements-driven Risk Assessment” To appear in Proceedings of the second international workshop on Requirements Engineering Visualization (REV ’07) in conjunction with the IEEE 15th International Requirements Engineering Conference (RE '07), October 15-19, Delhi, India, 2007.
  22. *Robin Gandhi and Seok-Won Lee, “Discovering and Understanding Multi-dimensional Correlations among Certification Requirements with application to Risk Assessment”, To appear in Proceedings of the 15th IEEE International Requirements Engineering Conference (RE 07), October 15-19, Delhi, India, 2007. (Acceptance ratio 35/172 ≈ 20%) 

  23. Seok-Won Lee, *Robin Gandhi, *Siddharth Wagle, and *Ajeet Murty “r-AnalytiCA: Requirements Analytics for Certification & Accreditation” To appear in Proceedings of the IEEE 15th International Requirements Engineering Conference (RE '07), Posters, Demos and Exhibits Session. October 15-19, Delhi, India, 2007. 

  24. Robin Gandhi and Seok-Won Lee, "Understanding Risks in an Organizational Infrastructure during Software Certification Activities", To appear in Proceedings of the US-Korea Conference 2007: Global Challenges in Science and Technology (UKC 2007), August 9-12 2007, Washington DC. USA 

  25. Danilo Bruschi, Bart De Win, Seok-Won Lee, and Mattia Monga, “Software Engineering for Secure Systems” In Proceedings of the 29th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE 07) Companion Volume, pp. 111-112, Minneapolis/St. Paul, MN, USA.  IEEE Press. May 20-26, 2007. 

  26. Seok-Won Lee, *Robin Gandhi, and *Siddharth Wagle, “Towards a Requirements-driven Workbench for Supporting Software Certification and Accreditation”, In Proceedings of the Third Int’l Workshop on Software Engineering for Secure Systems (SESS 07) in conjunction with the 29th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE 07), Minneapolis/St. Paul, MN, USA.  IEEE Press. May 19-20.

  27. Seok-Won Lee, “Software Assurance – A Requirements Engineering Approach”, In Proceedings of the 2007 KSEA (Korean-American Scientists and Engineers Association) North Carolina Regional Symposium, April 28, 2007, UNC Charlotte, NC. 

  28. Tolone, W.J., Lee, S.W., Xiang, W., *McNally, R. and *Schumpert, A. “Effective Scenario Composition for the Revelation of Blind Spots in Critical Infrastructure Protection Planning”, In Proceedings of the First Annual IFIP WG 11.10 International Conference on Critical Infrastructure Protection, Dartmouth College, Hanover, New Hampshire, USA, March 19-21, 2007.  

  29. Johnny Hopkins and Seok-Won Lee, “Got Game: A Scenario-Bassed Requirements Approach to Game Design and Development” (Student Abstract), The Fifth Annual North Carolina Alliance to Create Opportunity Through Education (NC OPT-ED) Alliance Day 2006 on September 22 in Greensboro, NC

  30. Robin A. Gandhi, Siddharth J. Wagle and Seok-Won Lee, “Process Artifacts Defined as an Aspectual Service to System Models”, The 2nd International Workshop on Service-Oriented Computing: Consequences for Engineering Requirements (SOCCER'06), the 14th IEEE International Requirements Engineering Conference (RE 06), Minneapolis/St. Paul, Minnesota, USA, September 11 – 15, 2006

  31. Heather Richter, *Robin Gandhi, *Lei Liu and Seok-Won Lee, “Incorporating Multimedia Source Materials into a Traceability Framework”, Multimedia Requirements Engineering Beyond MeRE Descriptions (MeRE Workshop), the 14th IEEE International Requirements Engineering Conference (RE 06), Minneapolis/St. Paul, Minnesota, USA, September 11 – 15, 2006

  32. Robin Gandhi and Seok-Won Lee, “Methodological Support for Building Cohesive Software Artifacts to Understand Emergent Software Behavior” Doctoral Symposium, The 14th IEEE International Requirements Engineering Conference (RE 06), Minneapolis/St. Paul, Minnesota, USA, September 11 – 15, 2006

  33. Steven Castongia, Andrew Schumpert, Seok-Won Lee, William J. Tolone and Wei-Ning Xiang, “A Spatial Approximation Method for Electrical Substation Service Area Delineation”, Extended Abstract, To appear in Proceedings of the 26th Annual ESRI International User Conference, August 7-11, San Diego, CA. 2006.

  34. Amy Weeks, Andrew Schumpert, Seok-Won Lee, Bill Tolone, and Wei-Ning Xiang, ”A New Approach to V&V in CIP Modeling and Simulation”, To appear in Proceedings of the 26th Annual ESRI International User Conference, August 7-11, San Diego, CA. 2006.

  35. Seok-Won Lee, Robin Gandhi, Divya Muthurajan, Deepak Yavagal and Gail-Joon Ahn, "Building Problem Domain Ontology from Security Requirements in Regulatory Documents", To appear in the Proceedings of the Software Engineering for Secure Systems (SESS06) workshop in conjunction with the 28th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE 2006), Shanghai, China, 20-28 May 2006.

  36. Steven Castongia, Andrew Schumpert, Wei-Ning Xiang Seok-Won Lee, William J. Tolone, “A Spatial Approximation Method for Electrical Substation Service Area Delineation and its Applications in Homeland Security Planning”, In Proceedings of the 2006 Meeting of The Association of American Geographers (AAG 2006), Chicago, Illinois, March 2006.

  37. Andrew Schumpert, Steven Castongia, Seok-Won Lee, William J. Tolone, and Wei-Ning Xiang, “An Assessment of Spatial Approximation Methods for Electrical Substation Service Area Delineation” To appear in Proceedings of the 2006 Symposium on Geo Spatial Technologies, Denver, Colorado, March 20-23, 2006

  38. Lee, S.W. and Gandhi, R. A., “Ontology-based Active Requirements Engineering Framework”, To appear in Proceedings of the 12th Asia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference (APSEC ’05), Taipei, Taiwan, Dec. 15 - 17, 2005. IEEE Computer Society Press.

  39. McNally, R., Lee, S.W., Tolone, W. and Xiang, W-N., Extended Abstract: “An ontology-driven GIS approach to scenario-based CIP planning”, To appear in Proceedings of the ESRI Homeland Security GIS Summit Conference , September 11–14, 2005, Denver, Colorado.

  40. Lee, S.W., Gandhi, R.A. and Ahn, G., “Security Requirements Driven Risk Assessment for Critical Infrastructure Information Systems”, To appear in Proceedings of the 13th IEEE International Requirements Engineering Conference (RE ‘05), Symposium on Requirements Engineering for Information Security (SREIS 05), 8/29 – 9/2, Paris, France, IEEE Press.

  41. Lee, S.W. and Gandhi, R. “Engineering Dependability Requirements for Software-intensive Systems through the Definition of a Common Language”, To appear in Proceedings of the 13th IEEE International Requirements Engineering Conference (RE ‘05), Workshop on Requirements Engineering for High-Availability Systems (RHAS), 8/29 – 9/2, Paris, France. Software Engineering Institute (SEI), IEEE Press. (RHAS Workshop Report)

  42. Seok Won Lee and Robin Gandhi “Ontology-based Active Requirements Engineering Framework” To appear in Proceedings of the Eleventh International Workshop on Requirements Engineering: Foundation for Software Quality (REFSQ ’05), In connection with The 17th conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering (CAiSE ’05), June 13 – 17, Porto, Portugal, 2005, published by Essener Informatik Beiträge.
  43. Xiang, W-N., Lee, S.W. and Tolone, W. “Bringing more vividness into spatial modeling and simulation: why, what, and how” To appear in Proceedings of the International Symposium on Spatial Data Quality (ISSDQ 2005) August 25-26, 2005, Peking University , China.  
  44. Lee, S.W., Gandhi, R., Ahn, G. “Establishing Trustworthiness in Services of the Critical Infrastructure through Certification and Accreditation”, To appear in Proceedings of the 27th IEEE International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE 05), Software Engineering for Secure Systems (SESS 05) Workshop, St. Louis, Missouri, May 15-21, 2005.
  45. Lee, S.W., Gandhi, R., Ahn, G. and Yavagal, D. “Active Automation of the Department of Defense Information Technology Security Certification and Accreditation Process”, IEEE International Conference on Intelligence and Security Informatics (IEEE ISI-2005), Atlanta, Georgia, May 19-20, 2005.  Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer.
  46. McNally, R., Lee, S.W., Yavagal, D.S. and Xiang, W-N. “Method For Representing And Visualizing Interdependencies Across Critical Infrastructures”, To appear in Proceedings of the 25th Annual ESRI International User Conference, July 25-29, San Diego, CA. 2005. 
  47. Robert McNally, Seok-Won Lee, Deepak Yavagal, Wei-Ning Xiang, “Critical Infrastructure Protection Scenario Composition Utilizing an Object-Oriented Model and a Geographic Information System” To appear in Proceedings of the The 9th International Computers in Urban Planning and Urban Management Conference (CUPUM ’05), June 29 – July 1. University College London.
  48. Lee, S.W., Ahn, G. and Gandhi, R.A. “Engineering Information Assurance for Critical Infrastructures: The DITSCAP Automation Study”, To appear in Proceedings of the Fifteenth Annual International Symposium of the International Council on Systems Engineering (INCOSE ‘05), Rochester, NY, July 10-15. 2005.
  49. Yavagal, D.S., Lee, S.W., Ahn, G. and Gandhi, R.A. “Common Criteria Requirements Modeling and its Uses for Quality of Information Assurance (QoIA)”, In Proceedings of the 43rd Annual ACM Southeast Conference (ACMSE ‘05), Vol. 2, pp. 130-135, March 18-20, Kennesaw State Univ. Kennesaw, Georgia. ACM Press, 2005.
  50. McNally, R., Lee, S.W., Yavagal, D.S. and Xiang, W-N. “An Ontology-driven Approach to Representing And Visualizing Critical Infrastructure Interdependencies”, To appear in Proceedings of the Auto-Carto 05, A CaGIS Research Symposium, March 18-23, Las Vegas. The Cartography and Geographic Information Society (CaGIS).  2005. 
  51. McNally, R., Lee, S.W., Yavagal, D.S. and Xiang, W-N. “An Object-Oriented Method For Representing And Visualizing Interdependencies Across Critical Infrastructure Layers”, To appear in Proceedings of the 2005 Meeting of The Association of American Geographers (AAG ‘05), April 5-9, Denver, Colorado. 2005. 
  52. Seok Won Lee and David C. Rine, "Case Study Methodology Designed Research in Software Engineering Methodology Validation," In Proceedings of the Sixteenth International Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering (SEKE'04), pp. 117-122, Banff Centre, Banff, Alberta, Canada, June 20 to June 24, 2004. (Long paper, acceptance rate: 38%)
  53. Seok Won Lee and David C. Rine, “Viewpoints Approach to Missing Requirements Discovery in Legacy Software Requirements Specification," In Proceedings of the 2nd ACIS International Conference on Software Engineering Research, Management & Applications (SERA ’04), pp. 45-52, May 5-7, Los Angeles, CA. 2004. International Association for Computer and Information Science (ACIS).
  54. Seok Won Lee and David C. Rine, “Missing Requirements and Relationship Discovery through Proxy Viewpoints Model,” In Proceedings of the 19th annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC 2004), Special Track on Software Engineering: Applications, Practices, and Tools, pp. 1513-1518, March 14-17, Nicosia, Cyprus, ACM Press, 2004.  (acceptance rate: 27.5%)
  55. Seok Won Lee, “Proxy Viewpoints Model-based Requirements Discovery,” In Proceedings of the 17th ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC 2002), Special track on Software Engineering: Theory, Applications, and Practice, pp. 1004-1008, Madrid, Spain, ACM Press, March 10-14, 2002.
  56. Seok Won Lee and G. Tecuci, “Knowledge Base Revision through Exception-driven Discovery and Learning,” In Proceedings of the Sixteenth National Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-99), p. 967 July 21, Orlando, Florida, AAAI Press/The MIT Press, Menlo Park, CA. 1999.
  57. M. Boicu, G. Tecuci, M. Bowman, D. Marcu, Seok Won Lee and K. Wright, “A Problem-Oriented Approach to Ontology Creation and Maintenance” In Proceedings of the Sixteenth National Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-99) Workshop on "Ontology Management", WS-99-13, pp. 7-16, July 18-19, Orlando, Florida, AAAI Press, Menlo Park, CA. 1999.
  58. G. Tecuci, M. Boicu, K. Wright, and Seok Won Lee, “Mixed-Initiative Development of Knowledge Bases” In Proceedings of the Sixteenth National Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-99) Workshop on "Mixed-Initiative Intelligence", WS-99-15, pp.51-59, July 18-19, Orlando, Florida, AAAI Press, Menlo Park, CA. 1999.
  59. M. Boicu, K. Wright, D. Marcu, Seok Won Lee, M. Bowman, and G. Tecuci, “The Disciple Integrated Shell and Methodology for Rapid Development of Knowledge-Based Agents,” In Proceedings of the Sixteenth National Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-99), Intelligent Systems Demonstrations, pp. 900-901, July 18-22, Orlando, Florida, AAAI Press/The MIT Press, Menlo Park, CA. 1999.
  60. G. Tecuci, M. Boicu, K. Wright, Seok Won Lee, D. Marcu, and M. Bowman, “An Integrated Shell and Methodology for Rapid Development of Knowledge-Based Agents,” In Proceedings of the Sixteenth National Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-99), pp. 250-257, July 18-22, Orlando, Florida, AAAI Press/The MIT Press, Menlo Park, CA. 1999. (Abstract) (acceptance rate 27%)
  61. Seok Won Lee, “A Methodological Knowledge Discovery Framework for Constructive Induction-based Multistrategy Learning,” Invited paper for the 1998 Korea-U.S. Technical Conference on Strategic Technologies (KUTC), Information Sciences Track, Korean-American Scientists and Engineers Association (KSEA), October 22-24, Vienna, VA. 1998.
  62. G. Tecuci, K. Wright, Seok Won Lee, M. Boicu, and M. Bowman, “A Learning Agent Shell and Methodology for Developing Intelligent Agents,” In Proceedings of the Fifteenth National Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-98) Workshop on "Software Tools for Developing Agents". AAAI Workshop Technical Report WS-98-10, pp. 37-46, July 26-30, Madison, Wisconsin, AAAI Press, Menlo Park, CA. 1998.
  63. K. Wright, M. Boicu, Seok Won Lee and G. Tecuci, “Building agents from shared ontologies through apprenticeship multistrategy learning,” In Proceedings of the Fifteenth National Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-98), p. 1207, July 26-30, Madison, AAAI Press, Menlo Park, CA. Wisconsin, 1998.
  64. Seok Won Lee and L. Kerschberg, “A Methodology and Life Cycle Model for Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery in Precision Agriculture,” In Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC '98): Intelligent Systems for Man in a Cyberworld, pp. 2882-2887, San Diego, CA. October 11-14, IEEE Computer Society Press, 1998.
  65. Seok Won Lee, S. Fischthal, and J. Wnek, “A Multistrategy Learning Approach to Flexible Knowledge Organization and Discovery,” In Whitehall, B. (Editor) Proceedings of the Fourteenth National Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-97) Workshop on "AI and Knowledge Management", AAAI Workshop Technical Report WS-97-09, pp. 15-24. July 27-28, Providence, Rhode Island, AAAI Press, Menlo Park, CA. 1997.
  66. Seok Won Lee, S. Fischthal, and J. Wnek, “A Multistrategy Approach for Constructive Induction-based Knowledge Discovery,” In F. Pin, Z. W. Ras, A. Skowron (Editors) In Proceedings of the Tenth International Symposium on Methodologies for Intelligent Systems (ISMIS '97), pp. 105-115, October 15-18, Charlotte, North Carolina, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, 1997.
  67. Seok Won Lee and J. Wnek, “AqBC: A Multistrategy Approach for Constructive Induction,” In Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Computational Cybernetics and Simulation (SMC-97), Vol. 2, pp. 1463-1468, Oct. 12-15th, Orlando, Florida, IEEE Computer Society Press, 1997.
  68. J. M. Aronis, Bruce G. Buchanan, and Seok Won Lee, “Augmenting Medical Databases with Domain Knowledge,” In Proceedings of the AAAI-96 Spring Symposium on AI in Medicine (AIM): Applications of Current Technologies, Stanford University, CA, March 25-27th, AAAI Press, Menlo Park, CA. Also listed as an Intelligent Systems Laboratory Report No.ISL-96-2 and Department of Computer Science Technical Report TR96-27, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA, 1996.

Thesis, Technical Reports and Some Other Writings (Some of them are refereed by the researchers in the affiliated Department, Laboratory and Funding Agencies): 

  1. Seok Won Lee, Gail-Joon Ahn, Robin Gandhi and Deepak Yavagal, “An Information Assurance Engineering Methodology for Critical Infrastructure Protection: The DITSCAP Automation Study”, Technical Report, Dept. of Software and Information Systems, UNC Charlotte, Nov. 2004.
  2. Seok-Won Lee and Deepak Yavagal “ GenOM User’s Guide", Technical Report, Dept. of Software and Information Systems, UNC Charlotte. Spring 2004.
  3. Seok-Won Lee and Deepak Yavagal “ GenOM Programmer’s Guide", Technical Report, Dept. of Software and Information Systems, UNC Charlotte. Spring 2004.
  4. Infrastructure modeling for effect-based operations: simulation scenario definitions, A roadmap for future work, (Contributing author w/ William Tolone & UNCC Defense Intelligence Agency project team), US Government project methodology paper, Feb. 2004. 
  5. Seok Won Lee, "Case Study Design Methodology", Technical Report, School of Information Technology and Engineering, George Mason University, July 2003.
  6. Seok Won Lee “Rules Engine and Validation Utilities” and “Appendix E: XML Business Rules”, Technical Report, SAIC-ISSG, Information Systems Solutions Group (ISSG), Science Applications International Corporation, Vienna, Virginia. January. 2003.
  7. Seok Won Lee, “Proxy Viewpoints Model-based Requirements Discovery,” Technical Report, Depts. of Computer Science & Information and Software Engineering, School of Information  Technology and Engineering, George Mason University, August, 2001.
  8. Seok Won Lee, “eXtended Memex Query (XMQ) Client Software: Version 1.0 – 1.3 User’s Guide”, Technical Report, Technology Development Division, Information Systems Solutions Group (ISSG), Science Applications International Corporation, Vienna, Virginia. June. 2001.
  9. Seok Won Lee and J. Wnek, “Expanding Query by Retrieving and Augmenting Terms for Complete Search in Multiple Documents,” Technical Report, Technology Development Division, Information Systems Solutions Group (ISSG), Science Applications International Corporation, Vienna, Virginia. June. 2000.
  10. Seok Won Lee, “An Empirical Study of a Two-Stage Knowledge Exploration and Discovery Methodology”, Technical Report, Department of Computer Science, School of Information Technology and Engineering, George Mason University, Spring, 2000. 
  11. Seok Won Lee and G. Tecuci, “A Methodology to Build a Knowledge Base from Shared Ontology Repositories,” Technical Report, Learning Agents Laboratory, Department of Computer Science, School of Information Technology and Engineering, George Mason University, Fairfax, VA 22030, December, 1998.
  12. Seok Won Lee, “Knowledge Revision through Exception-driven Discovery and Learning,” Technical Report, Learning Agents Laboratory, Department of Computer Science, School of Information Technology and Engineering, George Mason University, Fairfax, VA 22030, October, 1998.
  13. Seok Won Lee, “Building High Performance Ontologies from Shared Knowledge Repositories through Exception-driven Knowledge Discovery and Learning,” Technical Report, Learning Agents Laboratory, Department of Computer Science, School of Information Technology and Engineering, George Mason University, Fairfax, VA 22030, October, 1998.
  14. L. Kerschberg, Seok Won Lee and L. Tischer, “Database Discovery Applied to Agriculture and Waste Characterization,” Technical Report for the Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory (INEEL), Center for Information Systems Integration and Evolution, George Mason University, Fairfax, VA, October, 1997.
  15. Seok Won Lee and L. Kerschberg, “Knowledge Discovery from Geographic Data via Constructive Induction-based Multistrategy Learning Approach,” Technical Report, Center for Information Systems Integration and Evolution, George Mason University, Fairfax, VA, August, 1997.
  16. Seok Won Lee and L. Kerschberg, “Knowledge Discovery and Refinement from an Information Repository: A Multistrategy Learning Approach,” Technical Report, Center for Information Systems Integration and Evolution, George Mason University, Fairfax, VA, April, 1997.
  17. Seok Won Lee, S. Fischthal, and J. Wnek, “Using Bayesian Classification for AQ-based Learning with Constructive Induction,” Reports of the Machine Learning and Inference Laboratory, MLI 97-4, George Mason University, Fairfax, VA, April, 1997.
  18. Seok Won Lee and Ryszard S. Michalski, “Natural Induction: AQ-MOR: Learning from Examples with an Extended Set of Multiple Operators”, Technical Report, Machine Learning and Inference Laboratory, George Mason University, Fairfax, VA. 1997.
  19. Ryszard S. Michalski, K. Kaufman, E. Bloedorn and Seok Won Lee, “AQ18: A Multipurpose Machine Learning Environment”, Technical Report, Machine Learning and Inference Laboratory, George Mason University, Fairfax, VA. 1997.
  20. Seok Won Lee and Ryszard S. Michalski, “ALPE: A System for Automatic Learning Performance Evaluation The Method and User's Guide,” Reports of the Machine Learning and Inference Laboratory, MLI 97-7, George Mason University, Fairfax, VA, April, 1997.
  21. Seok Won Lee, “WWW-AQ: World Wide Web Interface for the AQ Learning System User's and Programmer's Guide,” Reports of the Machine Learning and Inference Laboratory, MLI 96-11, George Mason University, Fairfax, VA, December, 1996.
  22. Seok Won Lee, “Multistrategy Learning: An Empirical Study with AQ + Bayesian Approach,” Reports of the Machine Learning and Inference Laboratory, MLI 96-10, George Mason University, Fairfax, VA, December, 1996.
  23. Seok Won Lee and Ryszard S. Michalski, “Application of Constructive Induction-based Learning to Knowledge Discovery in Large Multiple Databases,” Information Technology Doctoral Fellowship Proposal, School of Information Technology and Engineering, George Mason University, Fairfax, VA, April 1996.
  24. Seok Won Lee, “The Orbit Controller of a Satellite with Back-error Propagation Network”, Technical Report, Department of Computer Science, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA. April, 1995.
  25. Seok Won Lee, “A Relational Database Interface for the RL Machine Learning Program,” Master Thesis, Intelligent Systems Laboratory Report No.ISL-95-17, Department of Computer Science, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA, April 1995.

Last Updated - Aug  2011.