DSW 602
Software Requirements Engineering (3G)
Spring 2013

Graduate School of Software
Ajou University

Last Update: March 1, 2013

Pre-requisite (Catalog Description):
    Full graduate standing, or consent of the Department. Introduction to requirement engineering methodologies.

Topics include (Catalog Description):
    Requirements elicitation, specification, and validation; structural, informational, behavioral, security, privacy, and computer user interface requirements; scenario analysis; application of object-oriented methodologies in requirements gathering; spiral development models; risk management models;  software engineering maturity model.

    Prof. Seok-Won Lee
Tel: 031-219-3548
    Email: leesw at ajou.ac.kr  (insert 'DSW 602' in the subject)
    Office: Pal-Dal Hall  #603  
    Office Hours: Wed. 3 - 5 PM.

Meeting Time & Location:
    Wednesdays & Fridays, 1
:30-3:00 PM, Pal-Dal Hall 407

Specific Course Objectives, Topics1 and Schedule2:

* State-of-the-art Requirements Engineering (RE) research: theory, practice, and applications : Definition, role and scope of RE in software and systems engineering, Current techniques, notations, processes and tools used in RE; Gain practical experiences in selected RE techniques such as VORD (i.e. through motivated class projects) and expose to innovative applications in real-world problems
* Understand the essential interdisciplinary nature of RE : Breadth of skills needed for RE, and the many other disciplines on which it draws (i.e. knowledge engineering, information security/assurance, GIS); Contextual factors & practicalities that affect the success of various approaches to RE (i.e. problem solving, context-awareness issues) 
* Build a basic research background in RE : Methodological issues for RE research, Current research issues and the direction of the field, survey of the literature



Course Topics (Tentative1)






Course Orientation & Introduction to Requirements Engineering


Please read the provided materials before the class!




 Introduction to Requirements Engineering

*B. A. Nuseibeh and S. M. Easterbrook, "Requirements Engineering: A Roadmap", In Proceedings of the ICSE '00. IEEE.
*A. van Lamsweerde, "Requirements engineering in the year 00: a research perspective", In Proceedings of the ICSE '00. IEEE.



   Topic Selection for each student




Requirements Engineering Process & Basics

*Jackson, M. " The Meaning of Requirements." Annals of Software Engineering, Vol 3, pp5-21, Baltzer Science Publishers. 1997.

Zave, P. and Jackson, M. " Four Dark Corners of Requirements Engineering." ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology 6(1) 1-30. ACM Press. 1997.


 Lead student:




RE Process Part 1 - Requirements Elicitation and Analysis

*Allenby, K. and Kelly, T. (2001). Deriving Safety Requirements Using Scenarios. Proceedings, Fifth IEEE International Symposium on Requirements Engineering (RE'01), Toronto, Canada, August 27-31, 2001. Pp228-235. IEEE Computer Society Press.

*Hickey A.M., Davis, A. "Elicitation Technique Selection: How Do Experts Do It?", Proceedings of the 11th IEEE International Requirements Conference. 2003.

Hope, P, McGraw, G. and Anton, A. "Misuse and Abuse Cases: Getting Past the Positive" IEEE Security and Privacy. 2004.

 Project Proposal

 Lead student:




RE Process Part 2 - Methods for Requirements Engineering - Modeling and Analyzing Requirements (modeling, communications, agreement, verification & validation)

*van Lamsweerde, A. (2001) Goal-oriented requirements engineering: a guided tour. Proceedings, Fifth IEEE International Symposium on Requirements Engineering (RE'01), Toronto, Canada, August 27-31, 2001. Pages: 249-262.

*Yu, E.S.K. (1997) Towards modelling and reasoning support for early-phase requirements engineering. Proceedings, Third IEEE International Symposium on Requirements Engineering (RE'97), Annapolis, USA, pp 226 -235. IEEE Computer Society Press.


 Lead student:




Goal-based Requirements Methods

Scenario-based Requirements Methods

*Sutcliffe, A. “Scenario-based requirements analysis”, Requirements Engineering Journal, Vol 3(1), Springer-Verlag, 1995, pp: 48-65

개교 기념일 4-12

  Domain modeling exercise

 Lead student:





Viewpoints-oriented Requirements Methods

Multi-paradigm Requirements Methods

*Sommerville, I. and Sawyer, P. Viewpoints: Principles, Problems and a Practical Approach to Requirements Engineering. Annual Software Engineering, Vol. 3. pp. 101-130. 1997.


    Lead student:




Mid-term Exam


   In Class Exam





Privacy / Security Requirements

       Mid-Report & PPT Slides






Secure Software Assurance - Requirements Engineering-based Approach

Liu, L., Yu E., Mylopoulos J., “Security and Privacy Requirements Analysis within a Social Setting”, In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Requirements Engineering (RE’03), pp.151-161, 2003
Premkumar T. Devanbu and Stuart Stubblebine, “Software engineering for security: a roadmap”, In Proceedings of the International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE '00), Limerick, Ireland, pp: 227-239, ACM Press, 2000






Literature Survey Paper Presentation

Research paper discussion

석가 탄신일 (5-17)






Literature Survey Paper Presentation

Non-functional Requirements






Non-functional Requirements

*Cysneiros, L.M. and Leite, J.C.S.P. "Nonfunctional Requirements: From Elicitation to Conceptual Models", IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, Vol. 30, No. 5. May 2004.

Mylopoulos, J., Chung, L. and Nixon, B. "Representing and Using Nonfunctional Requirements: A Process-Oriented Approach", IEEE Trans on Software Engineering, Vol. 18, No. 6, June 1992.  



 Lead student: 






Interactive System Specification
HCI (Human Computer Interaction) and Requirements Engineering
Requirements Management - Managing change and inconsistency

Ferrč, X. 2003. Integration of Usability Techniques into Software Development Process. Bridging The Gaps Between Software Engineering and Human-Computer Interaction. Proceedings of ICSE’03 International Conference on Software Engineering. Portland, Oregon, USA. 28-35.

B. Paech, K. Kohler, “Usability Engineering integrated with Requirements Engineering,” In Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE '03), Workshop on Bridging the Gaps Between Software Engineering and Human-Computer Interaction, Portland, OR, 2003


 Lead student:





Extending Requirements Engineering

Distributed Requirements Engineering
Shortcomings of UML for Requirements Engineering
Ontologies in Requirements Engineering
Early Aspects in Requirements Engineering
Case Study Designed Research Methodology

Glinz, M., “Problems and Deficiencies of UML as a Requirements Specification Language,” In Proceedings of the 10th International Workshop on Software Specification and Design (IWSSD-10). San Diego, IEEE, pp 11-22, 2000


 Lead student:

 Lead student:





개교기념일, 석가 탄신일에 대한 보강일 (6-17)

Term Project Paper Presentation I 

Term Project Paper Presentation II

Final Project Report & PPT Slides



1Additional topics will be introduced as time allows. 2Schedules may be changed. 

Important Dates:
    Mid-term: April 24, 2013. (during class hours)

Text Book (Optional): 

Requirements Engineering: From System Goals to UML Models to Software Specifications (EHEP000863) cover imageView Larger Cover Image


1. Axel van Lamsweerde Requirements Engineering: From System Goals to UML Models to Software Specifications, January 2009

Michael Jackson, Software Requirements and Specification: a lexicon of practice, principles and prejudices, Addison-Wesley 1995. ISBN 0-201-87712-0


2. A collection of research articles will be handed out each week for reading and discussion. Each week, one or two students will be assigned to lead the discussion (w/ summary note).

 Recommended Readings (Not Required):

3. Gerald Kotonya, Ian Sommerville,
Requirements Engineering: Processes and Techniques, ISBN: 0-471-97208-8, August 1998, John Wiley & Sons.



View Larger Cover Image


4. Michael Jackson, Problem Frames: Analyzing and Structuring Software Development Problems, Addison-Wesley, 2001.



5. Martin Fowler UML Distilled: A brief guide to the standard object modeling language, Third Edition, Addison-Wesley. 2003. ISBN: 0-321-19368-7
6. Karl E. Wiegers, Software Requirements, Second Edition, Microsoft, 2003.
7. Proceedings of the International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE), IEEE/ACM Press
8. Proceedings of the International Requirements Engineering Conference/Symposium (RE), IEEE Computer Society Press
9. Requirements Engineering Journal by Springer

Online Resources:
- Requirements Engineering Journal, Springer-Verlag
- Requirements Engineering books reviews by I. Alexander
- Requirements Engineering Specialist Group in UK
- IFIP Working Group 2.9 on Requirements Engineering
- INCOSE Requirements Engineering Group
- Requirements Engineering resources from the IEEE Task Force on RE
- RE On-line mailing list

Grading Policies:
    Midterm: 30%
    Oral Presentation & Class Discussion: 20%
    Individual Project: 50%, Paper format (ACM/IEEE paper format)
        - Project Proposal/ Literature Survey: 20%
        - Final Project Report/ Presentation/ Demonstration: 30% 
Ph.D. students will have additional assignment requirements.

Special Notes:

  1. Academic dishonesty, in any form, will not be tolerated. Cheating, copying parts or whole papers/programs, or complicity in any violations of the student academic integrity code will result in prompt action on my part in accordance with the procedures outlined in the Ajou Univ. Code of Student Academic Integrity. See a more detailed statement at the end of this syllabus.
  2. You are responsible for class absencesAttendance is mandatory for all class meetings. Three to four unexcused absences results in the loss of a letter grade; more than four unexcused absences will result in the automatic failure of the course.
  3. Please let instructor know the need, when feasible, to flexibly accommodate student observances of the holy days of all religious denominations.  
  4. Late policy: Any assignments should be submitted BEFORE the class on the due dates. In case of late submission due to unavoidable circumstances, students should obtain permission from the instructor ahead of the deadline. Late submissions will result in a 10% penalty per day. 
  5. No early or make-up exams. No exceptions.
  6. The standards and requirements set forth in this syllabus may be modified at any time by the course instructor.  Notice of such changes will be by announcement in class [or by written or email notice][or by changes to this syllabus posted on the course website
  7. Class participation: Students are encouraged to ask questions in class. The questions should be relevant to the course topics. Also initiating or engaging discussions in class that help further understanding of course materials or topics are all welcome and encouraged.  All cases will be used in the evaluation.
  8. In the event of inclement weather, call the Univ. office for closings or delays. 
  9. Inappropriate conduct will result in your being dismissed from class; that class will count as an unexcused absence; that misconduct will be reported to the department. Inappropriate conduct includes, but is not limited to, disrespectful or vulgar language, disruptive conduct (such as talking during a lecture, unnecessary comments that add no value to the class), sleeping in class, and any activities that negatively impacts the ability of other students to learn and/or listen in class. If you exhibit this behavior, you will be asked to leave the class, and that class will count as an unexcused absence. Repeated inappropriate behavior may result in a student’s being dismissed from the course, with a potential reduction in grade, including a potential grade of “F” in the course. All electronic equipment, including cellular phones and beepers, must be turned OFF during class. A student whose phone or beeper goes off in class will be banished from class for the remaining class time, and that class will count as an unexcused absence. Students are permitted to use computers during class for note-taking and other class-related work only. Those using computers during class for work not related to that class must leave the classroom for the remainder of the class period.  


Academic Integrity: Refer to the University document.


Acknowledgements: Many thanks go to my colleagues in Software (Requirements) Engineering research community for providing opportunities to use research articles, tools, and online resources for this course.