CSE 646 Service-oriented Computing Fall 2013
CSE 430 Software Engineering Fall 2013
DSW 602 Requirements Engineering for Dependable Software Spring 2013
CSE 401 Capstone Design Project Spring 2012, Fall 2012
IS 6383/ IS4473: Policy Assurance for Infrastructure Assurance Fall 2011
ITIS 6177/8177: Systems Integration Fall 2003, Spring 2004, Spring 2008, Spring 2009, Fall 2009, Spring 2010
ITIS 6130/8130: Software Requirements Engineering for Information Systems Fall 2004, Spring 2006, Spring 2007, Fall 2008
ITIS 3320: Introduction to Software Testing and Assurance Spring 2005
ITIS & ITCS 6112/8112: Software System Design and Implementation Fall 2005, Fall 2006
ITIS 6150/8150: Software Assurance Fall 2007
ITIS 6148/8148: Advanced Object-Oriented Design and Implementation Spring 2009
ITIS 3310: Software Architecture and Design Fall 2009
Individual Study or Projects
Individual Study: Viewpoints-oriented Requirements Engineering, Non-Functional Requirements Techniques, Software-intensive System Security Certification and Accreditation (C&A), Context-aware Computing Environment
Projects (ITCS 3650/3651 Section number4): August. 2009 - May. 2010
- 06-155:
Information Security Requirements Evaluation Methodology for Secure Software
Quality Assurance
Building Software Design Patterns through Semantic Association Rules from Object
- 06-149:
Building Semantic Web from Generic Object Model (GenOM)
Current Students/Scholars
Daniel Aceituna (PhD student, CS @ North Dakota State Univ. co-advising with Dr. Do, 2009 - present)
Seheon Song (PhD)
Keonsoo Lee (PhD)
Hee Soo Kim (PhD)
Nam Yi Yun (PhD, Waseda, Japan)
Jin Ah Im (PhD, Seogang Univ)
Hyo Eun Eom (MS/PhD)
In Hee Woo (MS)
Jae Young Kim (MS)
Ok Sub Kim (MS)
Sin Young Park (MS)
Hyo Chul Lee (MS)
Past Students Graduated at UNCC (*
with Thesis option)
*Robin Gandhi (Ph.D. IT,
Regulatory Requirements-driven Risk Assessment, Spring 2004 - May 2008)
- First Employment: Assistant Professor, Univ. of Nebraska at Omaha
Liwei Shen (Post-doc/Visiting Scholar, Fudan University, Shanghai, China, Feb. 2009 - Aug. 2009)
Mahalakshmi Vishnampettai Raghuraman (MSIT, US DoT project, Summer 2009 - 2010)
Andrew Schumpert (MA Geography, collaboration with Dr. Wei-Ning Xiang - Advisor)
Cody Yeager (MA Geography, collaboration with Dr. Wei-Ning Xiang - Advisor)
Rashna Vatcha (MSIT, US DoT project, Fall 2007 - Summer 2009)
Joshua Blackwell (MA Geography, collaboration with Dr. Wei-Ning Xiang - Advisor, Dec. 2008)
Ajeet Murty (MSIT Thesis, DITSCAP Automation: Simulation and Modeling, Fall 2006 - Summer 2008, Software Engineer at Wachovia)
Geetika Jain (MSIT, Individual Study, Requirements Modeling, Fall 2006 - Spring 2007)
*Siddharth Wagle (RA, MSIT Thesis, DITSCAP Automation: Service-oriented Architecture, Fall 2005 - Spring 2007)
*Steven Gastongia (MA GIS, Summer 2006), A demand-based resource allocation method for electrical substation service area delineation, collaboration with Dr. Wei-Ning Xiang)
*Amy Weeks (MA GIS, Spring 2006) A Delphi-Case Design Method for Model Validation in Critical Infrastructure Protection Modeling and Simulation, collaboration with Dr. Wei-Ning Xiang)
*Divya Muthurajan (RA, MSIT Thesis, Spring 2006, Non-Functional Requirements Engineering, Software Engineer at Bank of America)
*Deepak Yavagal (RA, MSIT Thesis, December 2005, DITSCAP Automation, Senior Software Engineer at Amazon.com)
*Bob McNally (MA Geography, Summer 2005, co-advising with Dr. Wei-Ning Xiang, An ontology driven GIS (ODGIS) approach to critical infrastructure protection (CIP) scenario planning)
Suman Balabhadrapatruni (Independent study, MSCS: Ontology domain modeling for Context-aware Computing Environment, Fall 2005 - Spring 2006)
Vikram Parekh (MS, Summer 2005, Viewpoints-oriented Requirements Engineering)
Ashwani Kaul (MS, Spring 2005, Semantic Web Enabled Web Services)
Ankit Vijaywargiya (MS, Summer 2004, Automatic Configuration of XACML Security Policy using Context-aware Domain Modeling)
Jonathan Mast (Senior Project, Computer Science, Summer - Fall 2007, Visualization of GenOM objects with Shrimp Integration)
Rasha Dumarieh (BS, RA, December 2005, Cum Laude, Undergrad Research Assistant, Sensitivity Analysis)
Ross Dorsey (BS, Spring 2005, Senior Project, Ontology-based Domain Modeling)
Last Updated Aug. 2011.