Dr. Lee attended the
ESPRE workshop
where was held at RE'18 in Banff Centre for Arts and
Creativity in Canada
ESPRE workshop was held at RE'18 in Banff. Yijun Yu and Lionel
Briand gave very interesting keynote speeches on adaptive
security and privacy requirements, and modeling security and
privacy requirements to enable test automation, respectively.
Thanks to all of you co-organizers, PC members and
participants who made it happen!
Ahmed, Yong-Jun Kim, Chantal, Byung-Sun Cho and Min-Ju Kim
attended to Korea Computer Congress at ICC Convention Center
in Jeju Island.
Dr. Lee attended
RE (Requirements Engineering) Conference
PC meeting and Research symposium in Hamburg, Germany.
NiSE lab spring tradition @Hwasung Haeng Gung
January 2010:
Dr. Lee is organizing (with Mattia Monga and Jan Jurjens)
the SESS (Software Engineering for Secure Systems) workshop
at ICSE 2010, Cape Town, South Africa, in May 2010. It is
the 6th edition of SESS @ ICSE!
August/September 2009:
Dr. Lee attended the
RE 09 with John Cooper
(graduate of MSIT 08) to present the following paper at the
REV 09
and "The Poster Bazaar - Why you should come and talk
to me" at RE 09. Dr. Lee is serving as program
committee members for the RE 09 Industry/Practice Track,
REV09, MaRK09.
He is also a program committee member of the
RE 2010.
John Cooper, Seok-Won Lee, Robin Gandhi and Orlena Gotel,
“Requirements Engineering Visualization: A Survey on the
State of the Art” To appear in Proceedings of the Fourth
International Workshop on Requirements Engineering
Visualization (REV ‘09), in conjunction with the 17th
International Requirements Engineering Conference (RE ’09), Atlanta, Georgia, August 31 – September 4,
2009. [PDF]
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July 2009: Seok-Won Lee gave several invited
talks at
Fudan University in Shanghai, China, Pohang University of Science and Technology (POSTECH) and Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
(KAIST), and lectures at
Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology (SAIT) in Korea.
June 2009: Robin Gandhi and Seok-Won Lee, “Assurance Case Driven
Case Study Design for Requirements Engineering
Research”, In Proceedings of the Requirements
Engineering: Foundation for Software Quality,
REFSQ 2009, 15th
International Working Conference, , Amsterdam, The
Netherlands, June 8-9, 2009. LNCS, Springer.
May 2009: We co-organized the 5th International Workshop on Software
Engineering for Secure Systems (SESS) at the 31st International Conference on Software
Engineering (ICSE 09), Vancouver, Canada, 16-24 May 2009.
September 2008: Dr. Seok-Won Lee served as PC members for MeRE08, RELaw08,
REV08, MaRK08 workshops held in conjunction with RE 08,
Barcelona, Spain.
May, 2008: We co-organized the 4th International Workshop on Software
Engineering for Secure Systems (SESS) at the 30th International Conference on Software
Engineering (ICSE 08),
Leipzig, Germany, 10 - 18 May 2008. The best papers will
be published to the special issue of the
Computers and Security
Journal (Elsevier) in Spring 2009. Dr. Seok-Won Lee is
one of the guest editors (with Bart De Win and Mattia Monga).
April, 2008: One of our graduate students Robin Gandhi will speak at the
College of Computing and Informatics Graduate Seminar. The title of the talk is "Discovering and
Understanding the Multi-Dimensional Correlations among
Certification Requirements with Application to Risk
March, 2008: Dr. Seok-Won Lee was
invited to the NSF review panel as a panelist.
February, 2008: One of our graduate students Robin Gandhi gave interview
talks at various industry research labs and
October 15-19, 2007: Dr. Seok-Won Lee and Robin A. Gandhi attended the
15th IEEE Int'l Requirements Engineering Conference (RE
07), New Delhi, India and presented our research in 3 programs
such as main technical program, research/system poster/demo,
the 2nd Int'l Workshop on Requirements Engineering
Visualization (REV 07).
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May 19-20, 2007: Dr. Seok-Won Lee co-organized the
at the ICSE 07.
Robin Gandhi presented the following paper on behalf of the
NiSE group.
Seok-Won Lee, *Robin Gandhi, and Siddharth Wagle,
“Towards a Requirements-driven Workbench for Supporting
Software Certification and Accreditation”, In
Proceedings of the Third Int’l Workshop on Software
Engineering for Secure Systems (SESS 07) in conjunction with the 29th International Conference on
Software Engineering (ICSE 07), Minneapolis/St. Paul, MN,
USA. IEEE Press. May 19-20.
Dr. Lee is the guest editor (with Mattia Monga) for the
Information and Software Technology
(IST) - The Elsevier Journal Special Issue on the
"Software Engineering for Secure Systems" that will
be published in Spring 2008.
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April 28, 2007: Dr. Seok-Won Lee gave a talk "Software Assurance - A
Requirements Engineering Approach" at the 14th
KSEA (Korean-American
Scientists and Engineers Association) North Carolina Regional
Symposium (NCRS), UNC Charlotte, McEniry Building, Room 148.
January 10, 2007: Software Engineering Research
Title : SHAGE: Self-managed Software framework for Service
Speaker : Professor
Sooyong Park, Ph.D., Department of Computer Science,
Sogang University, Seoul, Republic of Korea.
When: January 10, 10AM
Where: Woodward Hall 338 Conference room
Host: Dr. Seok-Won Lee
Behavioral, situational and environmental changes in
complex software, such as robot software, cannot be
completely captured in software design. To handle this
dynamism, self-managed software enables its services
dynamically adapted to various situations by reconfiguring
its software architecture during run-time. We have
developed a practical framework, called SHAGE
(Self-Healing, Adaptive, and Growing SoftwarE), to support
self-managed software for intelligent service robots. The
SAHGE framework is composed of six main elements: a
situation monitor to identify internal and external
conditions of a software system, ontology-based models to
describe architecture and components, brokers to find
appropriate architectural reconfiguration patterns and
components for a situation, a reconfigurator to actually
change the architecture based on the selected
reconfiguration pattern and components, a decision
maker/learner to find the optimal solution of
reconfiguring software architecture for a situation, and
repositories to effectively manage and share architectural
reconfiguration patterns, components, and problem solving
strategies. We conducted an experiment of applying the
framework to an infotainment robot. The result of the
experiment shows the practicality and usefulness of the
framework for the intelligent service robots.
Bio: Sooyong Park is an Associate Professor
of Computer Science Department at Sogang University.
He received his Bachelor of Engineering degree in Computer
Science from Sogang University, Seoul, in 1986, the Master
of Science degree in Computer Science from the Florida
State University, in 1988, and the Ph.D. in Information
Technology with major in Software Engineering from George
Mason University, in 1995.. During 1996 – 1998, he
served as a Senior Software Engineer at TRW ISC. He is
actively involved in academic activities such as a
Steering Committee Member of Asian-Pacific Software
Engineering Conference, Guest-Editor of CACM Dec, 2006
Software Product Line Issue and PC chair of IWFST. In
Korea, he is involved various government sponsored
committee such as a general secretary of Korean Defense SW
Association, Vice-Chair of Korean Information Society
Journal, and Chair of Software Engineering Technology
Committee. His research interests include, Self-managed
software, Dynamic software product-line engineering, and
Requirements engineering.
November 10, 2006: A group of NiSE graduate students participated in the CCI
Graduate Studies Open House and presented our on-going
research and shared some useful information as a graduate
student panel member. This is part of CCI's such effort to
look for talented students to pursue graduate studies in
computing and we expect to have a bigger version in Jan.
2007 College of Computing and Informatics (CCI) Graduate
Studies Open House
Friday, January 12, 9am - Saturday, January 13, 3pm
UNC-Charlotte, College of Computing and Informatics
September 11 - 15, 2006: Our three research papers have been presented at the
workshop and the
Doctoral Symposium at the Requirements Engineering
by Robin Gandhi, Lei Liu, Dr. Heather Richter and Dr. Seok-Won
Lee. Also Robin did an excellent job as a student volunteer
for the RE '06! The
pictures were taken at the conference site, Minneapolis/St.
Paul, MN.
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May 19 - 26, 2006: Dr. Seok-Won Lee presented our research paper at the
SESS'06 workshop
in conjunction with
ICSE '06,
Shanghai in China. Also He visited and gave invited talks at
Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Fudan University in
Shanghai and
Sejong University
in Seoul, Korea.
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Graduate Seminar:
Software Assurance: Requirements Engineering Approach
Presented by
Dr. Seok-Won Lee
and Robin Gandhi
3:00PM on Friday, March 31, 2006, 106 Woodward Hall :
Abstract: In the first part of our talk, we discuss
recent efforts from the Department of Homeland Security to
create a common body of knowledge for software assurance. We
then move on to elaborate on the theoretical backgrounds
behind our approach that motivate the need for the definition
of a common language in the problem domain to address the
issues related to software assurance. In the second part, we
discuss our efforts on establishing secure systems assurance
based on Certification and Accreditation activities, that
include effective ways to understand the enforced
organizational security requirements, gather relevant
evidences, perceive related risks in the operational
environment, and reveal their causal relationships with other
domain concepts.
August 29 - September 2, 2005:
Two research papers are presented at the Fourth International
Requirements Engineering for High-Assurance Systems Workshop
(RHAS’05), and Symposium on Requirements Engineering for Information
Security (SREIS) both
at the 13th International Requirements Engineering Conference
(RE '05),
Paris, France.
May 15-21, 2005: A research paper is presented at
the Software Engineering for Secure Systems (SESS '05)
Workshop, the 27th International Conference on Software
Engineering (ICSE '05) St. Louis, Missouri, USA.