Research Projects (since 2003 - present)

Security Requirements Recommendation Framework for Mission-Critical Systems in Socio-Technical Environments: This research aims to understand and recommend the security requirements based on the domain and system related knowledge. By considering the problem such as Cognitive, Information-Modeling and Physical Layers, we can easily derive the important security requirements, which are difficult to be derived from the human's thought. Learn more...

Keywords: Security Requirements, Social Engineering, Advanced Persistent Threat, Human Factor, Ontology, 3-layer model 


Develop of Robot Path Planning Algorithm in Virtual Manufacturing Environment of CPS Platform using Machine Learning: The aim of this project is to develop new robot path planning algorithm for the task sequence and optimization of robots that need to handle a lot of work in virtual manufacturing environment by using optimization algorithm in Artificial Intelligence. Analyze the problem of optimal robot path and work plan in multi-tasking and then verify the efficiency of the algorithm by applying it to actual robot work environment. Learn more...

Keywords: Industrial Robot, Path Searching, Optimal Path, Genetic Algorithm 


Dynamic Self-Adaptive Software Technology using Collective Intelligence: This project mainly aims to develop ontological engineering process for self-adaptive software intelligence to analyze problems, if the problem occurs by changes of a situation and environment. For the self-adaptation to the various known and unknown situation, the system should have proper knowledge and the relationship between them. Learn more...

Keywords: Self-Adaptive, Modeling, Ontology, Collective Intelligence, Software Engineering 


Context-aware Goal-driven Service Composition using Planning for Intelligent Service in Smart Grid: This project aims to develop a service composition method to provide a context-aware service that satisfies requirements in Smart Grid using Goal-driven Service Requirements Modeling and Service Composition through HTN (Hierarchical Task Network) planning. Learn more...

Keywords: Self-Adasptive, Modeling, Ontology, Goal-driven, Context-aware, Planning, Software Engineering 


User's Life-Log based Personalized Obesity Prevention Solution: This project aims to develop the Health Care Agent to help the user behavior revision to prevent the obesity caused by the bad behavior patterns such as eating habits and exercise habits. These habits are recognized and classified based on the user's life-logs, which are collected through the smart phone or other human-related devices. By analyzing the user's habits and behavior, the agent automatically recommends certain solutions to prevent the obesity and make the user healthy. Learn more...

Keywords: Life-Log, Prevention, Health Care Agent, obesity, Pattern 


Analogical Reasoning for Learning Adaptive Behavioral Plans: This project aims to develop the unified learning approach for the simulation agent to plan more appropriate behaviors. The proposed approach is composing with data-driven approach and knowledge-driven approach in order to complement the shortcoming of each other through the other's advantage. Learn more...

Keywords: Self-Adasptive, Reasoning, Learning Approach, Behavioral Plan, data-driven 


The DITSCAP Automation: DITSCAP automation involves the collection of information from various sources, using a uniform representation scheme and transforming static requirements from multiple documents into active ones that link to each other from different perspectives, allowing for their reuse and evolution through all the stages of the system lifecycle. Learn more...

Keywords: Security Certification & Accreditation, Security Requirements Engineering, Ontological Engineering 


Requirements-driven Software Certification and Accreditation: A Knowledge-intensive Approach to Support the Needs for Dependable Software: In this project  we explore techniques for conducting C&A requirements-driven risk assessment and other secure software assurance C&A activities. Our ongoing activities involve building a Requirements-driven Workbench to support C&A activities.  Learn more...

Keywords: Risk Understanding & Analysis, Compliance Management, Visual Analytics, Multi-dimensional Analysis 


GenOM: As we move towards domain-independent interdisciplinary research, the objects (or models) used in each application model should be interoperable and reusable. In this research project, we build such an interoperable and reusable object computing environment called Generic Object Model (GenOM). Learn more...

GenOM-DB: Most real world applications amass large amounts of data which needs to be understood and processed appropriately. A RDBMS system usually stores and manages this data in the form of tables. But, analytical intelligence functions usually deal with abstractions of a conceptual model. However, Scaling-up of the Ontological representation space (A Conceptual Domain Model) to a large instance space (possibly in a RDBMS) is a difficult problem. In this research we investigate the mappings between the ontological representation space, to a large instance representation space usually stored in a relational database.

Keywords: Object Model, Knowledge Model, Knowledge Representation, Semantic Web

Critical Infrastructure Protection (CIP) Modeling and Analysis: Essential to the practice of CIP planning and drills are two pieces of knowledge. One is about the interactions among different CI components in a public utility system, and the other the relation between the functionality of a public utility system and the interactions among the system’s CI components. In this project, we study an object-oriented method that facilitates CIP professionals’ learning of the interactions among CI components in relation to the functionality of a public utility system. Learn more...

Keywords: Critical Infrastructure Modeling, Simulation, Knowledge Modeling, Interdependent Analysis, What-if Analysis 


Traceability-preserving Evidence Capture for Requirements Domain Modeling (TRECRE): Unified View and Access to the Problem Frame Artifacts: Through this effort we seek to investigate systematic ways of preserving early problem frame artifacts, their interdependencies, and their evolution throughout the RE lifecycle for supporting adequate pre-traceability & post-traceability. Such traceability facilitates a unified view and access to the problem frame artifacts dispersed across various RE stages and involved stakeholders. Learn more...

Keywords: Requirements Traceability, Domain Model, Knowledge Model, Problem Frame


Ontology-driven Active Visual Analytics (Onto-ActiVA) Framework: The Onto-ActiVA framework systematically addresses the breath and depth of visual analytics by going beyond traditional stove piped solutions and providing collections of dynamically configurable visualization components that are closely relevant to the problem/task at hand in collaborative analytic environments. Learn more...

Keywords: Ontological Engineering, Domain Modeling, Visual Analytics



Integrated Remote Sensing and Visualization (IRSV) System for Transportation Infrastructure Operations and Management: (Funded by the US Dept. of Transportation)
This project establishes an information management and visualization system that integrates current CRS-SI (Commercial Remote Sensing and Spatial Information) for transportation infrastructure construction and monitoring for the city of Charlotte and associated regions.  The new system will be built upon a large GIS-based platform and utilizes existing CRS-SI, LiDAR scan, visual inspection and large-scale data visualization. 
Learn more (links to the UNCC NCRST project web, US National NCRST project web) ...

Keywords: Bridge Management, Critical Infrastructure Protection, Remote Sensing, Knowledge Fusion, Service-oriented Architecture

Building Probabilistic Ontologies for Requirements Analysis: Learn more... 
Keywords: Requirements Analysis, Probabilistic Ontology Model, Domain Model, Sensitivity Analysis 

Software Assurance: Learn more... (link to the US-CERT: Software Assurance)
Keywords: Information Security/Assurance Research and Education


Project Sponsors (since 2003 - present)

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NiSE Research Group
Department of Software Convergence Technology
College of Information and Computer Engineering
Ajou University
San 5, Woncheon-dong, Yeongtong-Gu, Suwon, Republic of Korea 443-749
Pal-Dal Hall             Room# 913-1/603          +82-31-219-2442/3548


� 2003 - 2018 NiSE Research Group
Page Maintained By: The NiSE Research Group